
Friday, 29 April 2016

Raymond Andersson receives Freedom of The City of London

Raymond Andersson, an international, national and corporate security professional, was honoured to receive the Freedom of the City of London, by redemption, as a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, in November 2014.

A formal ceremony was held in the Chamberlain's Court at Guildhall, where Mr Andersson was extended the hand of fellowship by Clerk to the Chamberlain of the City of London, following an age old tradition believed to date back to 1237.

The tradition remains a distinctive part of London's history, as a privilege bestowed on valued members of the community, visiting dignitaries, and those who have achieved success, recognition or celebrity in their chosen field.

Noted contemporary recipients include Ulysses S. Grant (awarded on 15 June 1877), Florence Nightingale, Dame Judi Dench, Princess Diana, Bill Gates, Stephen Fry, Bob Geldof, Morgan Freeman and former Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawke.

Whilst no special privileges are associated with the honour in this day and age, it provides recognition of excellence in the profession or service that the recipient provides to society.
Mr Andersson was honoured to receive this recognition as an international security professional.