
Wednesday 14 August 2019

The art of patrolling for Security Officers

The art of patrolling

The term “patrol” is thought to be derived from the French word “patroullier”, which originally meant “to tramp in the mud.”  To many guards who carry out patrols, this translation may very well reflect what may be described as a function that is “arduous, tiring, difficult, and performed in conditions other than ideal.”

Security patrols may be routine and boring to some; however, the patrol activity of today is much more than “tramping in the mud”.  The officer of today who protects a facility or building is responsible for the safety and security of physical – and often intellectual – assets of tremendously high value.  He/she is responsible for the safety and security of a work force consisting of people who are educated, well-trained and professional – a huge investment of human worth and productivity.  Today’s security officer has the availability of training and technology heretofore unheard of. 

We now live in an age of rising crime rates both against people and against companies and institutions.  We have an overloaded legal system and more and more litigation.  At the same time there is more demand from property and organisational managers in terms of protection from crime, fire, disaster and accident   Administrative agencies at Federal, State and local Government levels continue to enact new regulations that employers must comply with, which often have a direct impact on the tasks that security officers undertake.

Security Officers have more responsibility now than they have ever had before.  In fact, the patrol function is more than just the backbone of security; it is also the heart and soul of a total loss control approach.

The purpose of a patrol

The function of security is to prevent and control loss.  As a means of accomplishing this, patrol officers make periodic checks around a facility or building.  Therefore, patrol can be defined as the act of moving around an area to provide protection and conduct observation. 

This is a fairly simplistic definition, since while protection and observation may be the major elements of patrols, there are numerous other functions that the officer may be called upon to perform during his or her tour of duty. 

Based on organizational needs, there are several major purposes of patrols:

1.         Detection of criminal or unauthorised activity,

2.         Prevention or deterrence of crime and unauthorised activity,

3.         Ensure compliance with organisational policy,

4.         Assess, report and record loss causing situations or circumstances,

5.         Investigate events or incidents as directed,

6.         Test and inspect the physical security system.  This includes alarms, locks, lights, CCTV, access points and physical barriers such as fence-lines.
While assuming greater importance in high security installations, this is a function of patrols in all environments to some degree or other. 

7.      Inspect fire fighting and first aid equipment on your patrol route. Is it in functioning order? have first aid supplies been maintained or do they look as though they may have been tampered with?

8.         Act as a compensatory measure during system outages.  During a system outage such as power, the officer may call maintenance, provide static guarding or regular checks until the matter is resolved,

9.         Respond to emergencies, and

10.      Performance of other services required by management or client.

In all instances detailed above each patrol provides the eyes and ears of security.

The provision of security patrols is not an afterthought; it is a business necessity.

Preparation for patrols

Preparation for going on patrol is not only the physical act of putting on a uniform; it also requires mental and psychological preparation.

·             Security officers should act and look professional.

·            Officers should have a positive attitude and an accompanying bearing that reflects courtesy, politeness and a willingness to assist.

·             A successful officer is one who is able to combine a logical suspicion with a skilful observer and has enough natural curiosity to investigate those conditions that he or she feels are unusual.

Some techniques that enhance an officer’s ability to detect unusual situations include:

·            Getting to know people in the patrol environment.  Maintain a professional, not personal, relationship with them.  Have some idea what their job and/or functions are.  Most people will gladly elaborate, within reason, what they do if asked in a tactful manner.

·             Inspecting equipment.  Get into the habit of checking maintenance tags on equipment.  Know what the equipment does.

·            Getting to know the maintenance and cleaning personnel and procedures.  Get to know their work patterns.

·             Become familiar with the alarms and CCTV in each protected point and area.

Proper training and preparation for patrols, professional work habits and attentive patrolling techniques will enhance the security officer’s skills and abilities which could be encapsulated into the following acronym

P         Preparation

A         Alertness

T         Thoroughness

R         Reports

O         Observations

L          Language (Communications).

The role of a security guard

As Security Guards employed to work for a company client you carry on the very important role of representing both your security company as well as the client in all your actions undertaken at your station or post.

Each Station and Post is an integral part of the client’s protective security strategy, providing ongoing monitoring and quick response to incidents and events that may occur.  You are a critical part in this strategy as the client’s front-line eyes, ears and physical presence, being alert, curious, conscientious and displaying professional initiative in responding to incidents or events in a timely and professional manner.

What then do we expect of you as Security Guards?

As a Security Officer or Guard, you will often work alone, making your own decisions, acting as your own master, depending on your own conscience.  Your security colleagues may be dispersed over a wide area. 

You may find yourself working under different circumstances from one day (or night) to the next.  Communications may be difficult; temptations may be great, and emergencies or alarms may occur at any time and call for decisive action.

For these reasons, it is not only desirable; it is indispensable, that you maintain a very high standard of efficiency, honesty and general conduct as a member of the security team.

Your functions extend to all matters relating to physical security and can encompass faulty CCTV cameras’, open security cabinets, insecure documents, faulty electrical wiring, slippery paths, dangerous plant or equipment within the site, lack of first aid supplies, broken lights, loose key control, leaking taps etc., etc. 

All matters should be the subject of a security report.  Constant vigilance, imagination and persistence should be given to these matters.  Your contact lists will detail who you should report these issues to.

Your functions also cover the supervision of all clients site rules which pertain to security or OH&S matters.   Smoking rules, alcohol rules, car parking rules, traffic rules, entry of visitors, security of information, disposal of rubbish, use of exits, locking of office space by employees, storage of documents in appropriate containers, etc.  An employee who breaks such rules should be reported to the appropriate manager or where security infringements have occurred an infringement report should be completed.

Security is not attempting to police all behaviour as there will be employees and contract workers who do not realise the reasons behind a security rule nor the possible consequences of breaking it. However, employees or contract workers who habitually break a client’s security or OH&S rules and are not amenable when spoken to, should be reported.

We require you to:

·                Be inquisitive as to what is occurring in your work environment,

·                Be decisive in your actions,

·                Display high levels of initiative,

·                Be honest in your behaviour and reporting,

·                Be loyal to your security company, your client and your team,

·                Be efficient and effective in your role as a Security Guard maintaining high standards.

As a backup, you have your security company line supervisors and managers to assist you as necessary.

Wednesday 10 July 2019



All security professionals and organisations must operate to the highest ethical values to engender trust in all those they encounter in a professional capacity.  

Given the security industrys high profile, A Code of Ethical Conduct sets a standard that security professionals shall adhere to in their working habits and professional relationships.

The values on which it is based apply to all situations in which Security Professionals participate and exercise their judgement. 

Security Professionals Code of Conduct

A Code of Ethical Conduct requires out that a security professional must operate to the highest ethical standards with all those they encounter in a professional capacity and shall:

a.      Act in the interests of the security of society and their client.

A security professional shall:

i.    act honourably, responsibly, diligently, lawfully and uphold the reputation, standing and dignity of the Security Profession within society.

ii.      not act recklessly, maliciously or in a manner that will negatively impact on the reputation of other individuals or organisations
iii.    act in the interests of the security of society and their client.
iv.   act honourably, responsibly, diligently, lawfully and uphold the reputation, standing and dignity of the company, employer or client to which the security professional has a professional or legal association.

b.      Perform their duties in accordance with the law at all times.

A security profession shall:

i.    act in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which they are performing professional services.

ii.      hold paramount the health, safety and security of others.

c.      Act and behave at all times with integrity.


A security professional shall:

i.      not abuse a professional position for personal gain and reject improper inducement.
ii.     avoid conflicts of interest.

iiiavoid deceptive acts by actively taking steps to prevent corrupt practices or professional misconduct.

d.      Be diligent and competent in discharging their professional responsibilities.

A security professional shall:

i.       act for their employer or client in a reliable and trustworthy manner.

ii.      never knowingly mislead or allow others to be misled.

iii.  maintain currency in their security competencies through continued education and private research.

e.      Protect confidential information gained in the course of their professional activities and not disclose it to any unauthorised party nor use it for personal gain.

A security professional shall:

i.     protect client information in accordance with client information security policy.

ii.     apply effective physical, procedural and IT controls to protect client or employer information in their care from unauthorised release.

iv.   implement and follow processes for the clearance of partners, employees, contractors and other stakeholders in accordance with the classification of client or employer information accessed 
v.     apply the need-to-know principle.

f.       Not maliciously damage the professional reputation or practice of colleagues, clients or employers.

A security professional shall:

irefrain from unfounded criticism of work carried out by Security Professionals.

ii.      refrain from action deliberately designed to damage a colleague, client or employer.

g.      Not knowingly undertake any action that brings the profession into disrepute.

A Security Professional shall:

 i.   be objective and truthful in any statement made in their professional capacity.

ii.   act honourably, responsibly, diligently, lawfully and uphold the reputation, standing and dignity of the profession.

iii.      not engage in acts of collusion, corruption or breaches of the Law.

iv.       be a positive role model for others in the profession.